Our Rates
Guest house rooms and outside chalets are all en-suite rooms with air-conditioning and coffee station.
- Self-catering chalet with four beds and fully equipped: N$ 1'350-00 (Room 2, 9 and 10)
- Self-catering chalet with 4/6 bed fully equipped with in and out-door braai: N$1'550-00 (Room 7 and 8)
- Self-catering flat with 2 bedrooms (each with own bathroom): N$1'750-00 (Room 1)
- Single room: N$690-00 (bed) - Not self-catering
- Double room: N$990-00 (room) - Not self-catering
- Three bedroom: N$1'200-00 (room) - Not self-catering
- Four bedroom: N$1'200-00 (room) - Not self-catering
- Breakfast: N$180-00 pp
- Dinner: N$250-00 pp
- Braai: N$220-00 pp
Swimming pool, bar facilities, barbecue facilities, en-suite rooms. No self-catering allowed in the guesthouse rooms.
- 30 days: 100% deposit refund
- 15 days: 50% deposit refund
- 07 days: 0% deposit refund
Private facilities: N$200pp
- No meals are included in the tarrifs.
- VAT & bed levies included.
- No pets are allowed.
- Deposit equals the full accommodation per night.
- If travelling on GPS co-ordinates please follow B3 road to main entrance.